Massachusetts-based Levia offers water-soluble cannabis tinctures at licensed dispensaries in Massachusetts, Arizona and Nevada, offering another way to mix THC-infused cocktails at home.“LEVIA is a great option for someone who prefers the effects of cannabis over alcohol. LEVIA’s seltzers, available in a variety of fun and tasty flavors, have zero calories, zero sugar and a low dose of THC that kicks in fast, providing all the buzz without the hangover,” Levia co-founder Troy Brosnan writes in an email. “While seltzers are popular, they’re not for everyone. LEVIA’s water-soluble tinctures can be mixed into the consumer’s beverage of choice, and they have the added benefit of controlled dosing.”
Roundup: Green Wednesday Deals + Mass Holiday Cannabis Markets
Plus other green happenings around the Bay State for this Thanksgiving week Ayr Wellness (Watertown, Back Bay) “Just...